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Well, it is June already! We are reaching the half-way mark of the year. Where did the time go? It seems like we came into January with so much anticipation. We set goals marked for the path that we intend to follow for the year.
It is a great reminder that time does not stand still. We are moving and shifting constantly. That brings me to the subject of this blog post. As we are reaching the half-way mark of the year, how are you feeling? Are you happy, sad, tired, motivated or you just don’t know.
Reviewing Progress
Now is a great time to take inventory of your progress to date. Is the year going in the direction that you would like it to go? If yes, then you should feel happy about the progress you have made. I tend to be an organized person so when I look at things, I break them down into categories. For example, if you are a parent with school age children, you may want to look at the school year and schedule of the children, school, activities and chores. Examine how your weeks were spent.
Changing Plans
Then I would look at how things worked over the school year and begin to plan out the next year and how you can build from this year. You can begin by discussing and setting up more effective, less stressful ways of bringing together school, chores and activities that work better for the changes ahead in the next school year.
If you are looking at how you personally navigated the first half of the year you may want to look at the personal goals that you set back in January and check off what you have accomplished thus far. How to Set Personal Goals If you choose, you can update your personal goals to reflect any changes in your current situation. Remember, change is not bad, it can actually be a good thing.
For those who have a business or side hustle, reaching the halfway mark of the year is a great time to access your business dynamics.
Are you seeing success in your current format?
Do you need to switch gears? Are you devoting enough time and attention to your business?
These are just a few questions you can ask yourself as you examine the year so far.
June is a great month to reflect on all of what I have mentioned in this blog post. It is also a time to just slow down enough to be thankful for all you have navigated in six months and reflect and recharge for the the second half of the year.
Moving On
Be excited over the progress no matter how small. It can be that you have learned to be more patient, you have been drinking more water or taking your vitamins on a regular basis. There is always something that you can see as progress and as we are reaching the half-way mark of the year, take the time to pause and reflect on those things.
After you have taken the time to pause and reflect on the first half of the year, continue moving forward enjoying the journey. Anticipating great things for the second half of the year and as you journey through my readers remember to continue….
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